Sunday, February 19, 2023

Secrects Of The Stars In Orion Belt

Sunday, February 19, 2023 0

Orion is one of the most famous constellations in the night sky. Orion, "the Hunter" is arguably the most recognizable constellation in the world. It lies on the celestial equator, making it visible from both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Orion’s shape is very easy to tell because it has many bright stars and of course its signature Belt, three stars system which are together in a nearly straight line.

One of the most obvious features people see in Orion is the three stars that make up what most people consider the belt of the giant. 

The three stars in the belt are Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka.. Though the three stars looks very close to each other and of equal sizes but actually they are not. Details are as follows : 

  • Alnitak is a triple star system at the eastern end of Orion's belt and is 1,260 light-years from the Earth. Alnitak B is a 4th-magnitude B-type star which orbits Alnitak A every 1,500 years. The primary (Alnitak A) is itself a close binary, comprising Alnitak Aa (a blue supergiant of spectral type O9.7 Ibe and an apparent magnitude of 2.0) and Alnitak Ab (a blue dwarf of spectral type O9V and an apparent magnitude of about 4). Alnitak Aa is estimated as being up to 28 times as massive as the Sun, and to have a diameter 20 times greater. It is the brightest star of class O in the night sky.
  • Alnilam is a supergiant, approximately 2,000 light-years away from Earth and magnitude 1.70. It is the 29th-brightest star in the sky and the fourth-brightest in Orion. It is 375,000 times more luminous than the Sun. Its spectrum serves as one of the stable anchor points by which other stars are classified.
  • Mintaka is 1,200 light-years away and shines with magnitude 2.21. Mintaka is 90,000 times more luminous than the Sun. Mintaka is a double star. The two stars orbit around each other every 5.73 days.
These stars distance from earth are different and they are very far away from each other as well. One with less brightness is closer while other with high brightness is far away but their distances makes them looks like similar sizes and appears side by side.

Here are their properties compared to the Sun :

  • Alnitak: 20 times more massive and 10,000 times brighter. (Surface temperature 60,000 Fahrenheit).
  • Alnilam: 20 times more massive and 18,000 times brigher. (Surface temperature 50,000 Fahrenheit.)
  • Mintaka: 20 times more massive and 7,000 times brighter. (Surface temperature 60,000 Fahrenheit.)
To further blow your mind, these stars also have companion stars orbiting with them, so what you see from Earth with the naked eye isn’t necessarily what you always get.

I hope you like this topic. If you have something to say then do leave your comments below.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The Brightest Supernova Ever Observed : SN 1006

Wednesday, February 17, 2021 0

The object we call now SN 1006 which 1st appeared on May 1, 1006 A.D was the brightest observed stellar event in recorded history, reaching an estimated −7.5 visual magnitude. It was far brighter than Venus and visible during the daytime for weeks, exceeding roughly sixteen times the brightness of Venus. Appearing between April 30 and May 1, 1006 AD in the constellation of Lupus. This "Guest Star" was described by Astronomers in China, Japan, Europe, and the Arab world and they all documented this spectacular sight. Some observers reported it was clearly visible in the daytime even though it was blazing about 7,200 light-years away from earth.

SN 1006's associated supernova remnant from this event was not identified until 1965, when Doug Milne and Frank Gardner used the Parkes radio telescope to demonstrate a connection to known radio source PKS 1459-41. This is located near the star Beta Lupi, displaying a 30 arcmin circular shell. X-ray and optical emission from this remnant have also been detected, and during 2010 the H.E.S.S. gamma-ray observatory announced the detection of very-high-energy gamma-ray emission from the remnant. No associated neutron star or black hole has been found, which is the situation expected for the remnant of a Type Ia supernova (a class of explosion believed to completely disrupt its progenitor star). A survey in 2012 to find any surviving companions of the SN 1006 progenitor found no subgiant or giant companion stars, indicating that SN 1006 was most likely a double degenerate progenitor, that is, the merging of two white dwarf stars. In simple words, astronomers think SN 1006 was a type Ia Supernova triggered by two white dwarfs. As these stars orbited each other, they lost energy in the form of gravitational waves and eventually collided, creating an epic blast even brighter than usual. Understanding these supercharged supernova is vital for astronomers who use the blasts as cosmic measurement tools.

Remnant SNR G327.6+14.6 has an estimated distance of 2.2 kpc. from Earth, making the true linear diameter approximately 20 parsecs.

Ralph Neuhäuser, an astrophysicist at Friedrich Schiller University Jena in Germany, was studying works by the Persian scientist Ibn Sina, known to most in the West as Avicenna. The prolific scholar, who lived from 980 to 1037, traveled widely and wrote on subjects ranging from astronomy to medicine.

One section of his multipart opus Kitab al-Shifa, or “Book of Healing,” makes note of a transient celestial object that changed color and “threw out sparks” as it faded away. According to Neuhäuser and his colleagues, this object—long mistaken for a comet—is really a record of SN 1006, which Ibn Sina could have witnessed when he lived in southern Uzbekistan. According to the team’s translation, Ibn Sina saw the supernova start out as a faint greenish yellow, twinkle wildly at its peak brightness, then become a whitish color before it ultimately vanished.

Early Guest

In addition to Ibn Sina’s record, Neuhäuser recently found another piece of evidence for SN 1006 in works by a historian named al-Yamani, from Sanaa, Yemen. The text suggests observers there witnessed the guest star’s arrival even earlier than thought, which would also affect modern understanding of its evolution.

Most experts put the first sightings of SN 1006 at about April 28 or 30, depending on how they convert the lunar calendrical systems used by the ancient observers, as well as the imprecision of the observer's own dating. But Neuhäuser's work suggests a date of April 17, plus or minus two days.

The al-Yamani texts record the supernova rising about a half hour after sunset. Given the star’s position in the sky, there are only a few dates when that could happen, and they fall in the middle of April.

Also, the texts mark when the supernova rose in the sky relative to the moon, and that corresponds with dates between April 15 and 18, based on known positions of the moon at the time. According to Neuhäuser, records from China, Japan, and Switzerland can be interpreted in ways that back up the earlier date.


Brad Schaefer, a professor of physics and astronomy at Louisiana State University, has studied the timing of historical supernovae. He agrees that ancient observations can be useful for working out when this supernova reached peak brightness.

But he’s not convinced that the color data from Ibn Sina will be as helpful. One issue is that the supernova was close to the horizon for Ibn Sina, so that the colors he reported might be just atmospheric effects.

He also cautions that anyone trying to weave together various records of the event will have to account for variations in the relative brightness from observer to observer: "So for example, one person compared it to the brightness of Mars, another one to Venus, and another person to the brightness of the quarter moon,” he says.

For his part, Neuhäuser thinks that the earlier observation from Yemen may ultimately be the more useful find for filling in pieces of the supernova's history, which may in turn help refine today’s astrophysical models.

"I try to investigate old historical observations to use in state-of-the-art astrophysical questions," he says.

Effect on Earth

Research has suggested that Type Ia supernovae can irradiate the Earth with significant amounts of gamma-ray flux, compared with the typical flux from the Sun, up to distances on the order of 1 kiloparsec. The greatest risk is to the Earth's protective ozone layer, producing effects on life and climate. While SN 1006 did not appear to have such significant effects, a signal of its outburst can be found in nitrate deposits in Antarctic ice.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Targets of Opportunity & Crab Flares

Thursday, October 22, 2020 0

The Fermi Large Area Telescope can detect a brightening or appearance of a gamma ray source, even toward the bright steady glow of our Galaxy. This allows the study of transient and variable Galactic sources that were very difficult to see with Fermi's predecessors. Many of these new sources have been a complete surprise like the novae discussed in last week's post.

This animation demonstrates the way that the Large Area Telescope
normally sweeps across the sky during one 95-minute orbit.

In addition to locating variable gamma-ray sources while scanning the sky as shown above, Fermi can point to a particular location to spend a little extra time on a source doing something interesting. This is called a Target of Opportunity observation. Because the Large Area Telescope field-of-view is huge - subtending about as much of the sky as you can see with your eyes in any instant - the best use of the observatory is to scan the sky, keeping watch for unexpected events, following variability over the entire sky, and building the deep survey. However, occasionally something is so unique and short-lived, that it makes sense to point the Large Area Telescope toward that source to capture as much of the activity as possible. There is a limit to this because in low Earth orbit most sources are occulted by the Earth for part of each orbit. A pointed observation typically doubles the time a source can be observed, but most sources are viewable for less than half of the orbit.

This animation demonstrates the way that the Large Area Telescope
normally sweeps across the sky during one 95-minute orbit.

One of the most surprising and rewarding uses of this ability involves unexpected variability in the Crab Nebula. In September 2010, the European Gamma-ray Mission AGILE first reported and Fermi confirmed an extreme flare in gamma rays from the direction of the Crab Nebula, a very well-known supernova remnant. The event was not likely to last long, prompting observers to request a target of opportunity observation. Fermi departed from scanning and pointed at the Crab to capture as many gamma rays from the outburst as possible but that flare ended before the targeted observations began.

Before Fermi was launched, scientists knew they would want to be able to quickly point the observatory at unplanned targets. They worked with the spacecraft designers to include the ability to repoint the observatory to a position of interest on demand. This can be done quickly, but because the observatory departs from the planned orientation, scheduled downloads of the data can be missed until a new plan is scheduled and uploaded to the spacecraft. That means there is a delay in getting data exactly when something really interesting may be happening. Fortunately, after a target of opportunity observation begins, schedulers quickly design a new plan and send it to the spacecraft to continue to track the source while also permitting data to reach the ground promptly.

The Crab has gone into outburst in almost every year of the mission, reaching different peak brightnesses and lasting for different durations, from days to more than a week. In fact, it is flaring again right now! After the initial flares were found, scientists learned to act very quickly to request pointed observations that provide extra coverage of the Crab during bright flaring episodes. At those times and with sufficient coverage, measurements can be made on timescales shorter than an hour. In particular, the target of opportunity observation made of the brightest flare to date in April 2011 caught the peak of the outburst. The dedicated coverage provided a movie of how the distribution of energies of the gamma rays changed throughout the flare. The changes in the gamma rays allow more sophisticated tests of mechanisms that could be speeding up matter to high energies and producing gamma rays extremely quickly.

Learn more about the Crab Superflare in this video:

Many other telescopes, including NASA's Hubble and Chandra Observatories, the Jansky Very Large Array and the W. M. Keck Observatory, have pointed at the Crab during gamma-ray flares to Many other telescopes, including NASA's Hubble and Chandra Observatories, the Jansky Very Large Array and the W. M. Keck Observatory, have pointed at the Crab during gamma-ray flares to look for correlated activity, but so far only the gamma-ray band has shown notable changes associated with the flares. Fermi will keep watching.

Source : NASA Fermi Gamma-Ray Telescope

Friday, June 26, 2020

The Second most Distant Quasar Ever Discovered

Friday, June 26, 2020 0

An artist's impression of the quasar Pōniuāʻena, the first quasar to receive an Indigenous Hawaiian name.
(Image: International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/P. Marenfeld)

Maunakea, Hawai‘i – Astronomers have discovered the second-most distant quasar ever found using three Maunakea Observatories in Hawai‘i: W. M. Keck Observatory, the international Gemini Observatory, a Program of NSF’s NOIRLab, and the University of Hawai‘i-owned United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT). It is the first quasar to receive an indigenous Hawaiian name, Pōniuāʻena, which means “unseen spinning source of creation, surrounded with brilliance” in the Hawaiian language.

Pōniuāʻena is only the second quasar yet detected at a distance calculated at a cosmological redshift greater than 7.5 and it hosts a black hole twice as large as the other quasar known in the same era. The existence of these massive black holes at such early times challenges current theories of how supermassive black holes formed and grew in the young universe.

The research has been accepted in The Astrophysical Journal Letters and is available in preprint format on

Quasars are the most energetic objects in the universe powered by their supermassive black holes and since their discovery, astronomers have been keen to determine when they first appeared in our cosmic history. By systematically searching for these rare objects in wide-area sky surveys, astronomers discovered the most distant quasar (named J1342+0928) in 2018 and now the second-most distant, Pōniuāʻena (or J1007+2115, at redshift 7.515). The light seen from Pōniuāʻena traveled through space for over 13 billion years since leaving the quasar just 700 million years after the Big Bang.

Spectroscopic observations from Keck Observatory and Gemini Observatory show the supermassive black hole powering Pōniuāʻena is 1.5 billion times more massive than our Sun.

“Pōniuāʻena is the most distant object known in the universe hosting a black hole exceeding one billion solar masses,” said Jinyi Yang, a postdoctoral research associate at the Steward Observatory of the University of Arizona and lead author of the study.

For a black hole of this size to form this early in the universe, it would need to start as a 10,000 solar mass “seed” black hole about 100 million years after the Big Bang, rather than growing from a much smaller black hole formed by the collapse of a single star.

“How can the universe produce such a massive black hole so early in its history?” said Xiaohui Fan, Regents’ professor and associate department head of the Department of Astronomy at the University of Arizona. “This discovery presents the biggest challenge yet for the theory of black hole formation and growth in the early universe.”

Current theory holds the birth of stars and galaxies as we know them started during the Epoch of Reionization, beginning about 400 million years after the Big Bang. The growth of the first giant black holes is thought to have occurred during that same era in the universe’s history.

The discovery of quasars like Pōniuāʻena, deep into the reionization epoch, is a big step towards understanding this process of reionization and the formation of early supermassive black holes and massive galaxies. Pōniuāʻena has placed new and important constraints on the evolution of the matter between galaxies (intergalactic medium) in the reionization epoch.

“Pōniuāʻena acts like a cosmic lighthouse. As its light travels the long journey towards Earth, its spectrum is altered by diffuse gas in the intergalactic medium which allowed us to pinpoint when the Epoch of Reionization occurred,” said co-author Joseph Hennawi, a professor in the Department of Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

Yang’s team first detected Pōniuāʻena as a possible quasar after combing through large area surveys such as the UKIRT Hemisphere Survey and data from the University of Hawai‘i Institute for Astronomy’s Pan-STARRS1 telescope on the Island of Maui.

In 2019, the researchers observed the object using Gemini Observatory’s GNIRS instrument as well as Keck Observatory’s Near Infrared Echellette Spectrograph (NIRES) to confirm the existence of Pōniuāʻena.

“The preliminary data from Gemini suggested this was likely to be an important discovery. Our team had observing time scheduled at Keck just a few weeks later, perfectly timed to observe the new quasar using Keck’s NIRES spectrograph in order to confirm its extremely high redshift and measure the mass of its black hole,” said co-author Aaron Barth, a professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of California, Irvine.

In honor of its discovery from atop Maunakea, 30 Hawaiian immersion school teachers named the quasar Pōniuāʻena through the ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center of Hawai‘i’s A Hua He Inoa program led by renowned Hawaiian language expert Dr. Larry Kimura.

“We recognize there are different ways of knowing the universe,” said John O’Meara, chief scientist at Keck Observatory. “Pōniuāʻena is a wonderful example of interconnectedness between science and culture, with shared appreciation for how different knowledge systems enrich each other.”

“I am extremely grateful to be a part of this educational experience – it is a rare learning opportunity,” said Kauʻi Kaina, a high school Hawaiian immersion teacher from Kahuku, Oʻahu who was involved in the naming workshop. “Today it is relevant to apply these cultural values in order to further the well-being of the Hawaiian language beyond ordinary contexts such as in school, but also to ensure the language lives throughout the universe.”

Thursday, June 18, 2020

A Cosmic Baby Is Discovered and It's Brilliant

Thursday, June 18, 2020 0
This illustration shows magnetic field lines protruding from a highly magnetic neutron star, or a dense nugget left over after a star goes supernova and explodes. Known as magnetars, these objects generate bright bursts of light that might be powered by their strong magnetic fields.
Credits: ESA

Astronomers tend to have a slightly different sense of time than the rest of us. They regularly study events that happened millions or billions of years ago, and objects that have been around for just as long. That's partly why the recently discovered neutron star known as Swift J1818.0−1607 is remarkable: A new study in the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters estimates that it is only about 240 years old — a veritable newborn by cosmic standards.

NASA's Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory spotted the young object on March 12, when it released a massive burst of X-rays. Follow-up studies by the European Space Agency's XMM-Newton observatory and NASA's NuSTAR telescope, which is led by Caltech and managed by the agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, revealed more of the neutron star's physical characteristics, including those used to estimate its age.

A neutron star is an incredibly dense nugget of stellar material left over after a massive star goes supernova and explodes. In fact, they're some of the densest objects in the universe (second only to black holes): A teaspoon of neutron star material would weigh 4 billion tons on Earth. The atoms inside a neutron star are smashed together so tightly, they behave in ways not found anywhere else. Swift J1818.0−1607 packs twice the mass of our Sun into a volume more than one trillion times smaller.

With a magnetic field up to 1,000 times stronger than a typical neutron star — and about 100 million times stronger than the most powerful magnets made by humans — Swift J1818.0−1607 belongs to a special class of objects called magnetars, which are the most magnetic objects in the universe. And it appears to be the youngest magnetar ever discovered. If its age is confirmed, that means light from the stellar explosion that formed it would have reached Earth around the time that George Washington became the first president of the United States.

"This object is showing us an earlier time in a magnetar's life than we've ever seen before, very shortly after its formation," said Nanda Rea, a researcher at the Institute of Space Sciences in Barcelona and principal investigator on the observation campaigns by XMM Newton and NuSTAR (short for Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array).

While there are over 3,000 known neutron stars, scientists have identified just 31 confirmed magnetars — including this newest entry. Because their physical properties can't be re-created on Earth, neutron stars (including magnetars) are natural laboratories for testing our understanding of the physical world.

"Maybe if we understand the formation story of these objects, we'll understand why there is such a huge difference between the number of magnetars we've found and the total number of known neutron stars," Rea said.

Swift J1818.0−1607 is located in the constellation Sagittarius and is relatively close to Earth — only about 16,000 light-years away. (Because light takes time to travel these cosmic distances, we are seeing light that the neutron star emitted about 16,000 years ago, when it was about 240 years old.) Many scientific models suggest that the physical properties and behaviors of magnetars change as they age and that magnetars may be most active when they are younger. So finding a younger sample close by like this will help refine those models.

Going to Extremes

Though neutron stars are only about 10 to 20 miles (15 to 30 kilometers) wide, they can emit huge bursts of light on par with those of much larger objects. Magnetars in particular have been linked to powerful eruptions bright enough to be seen clear across the universe. Considering the extreme physical characteristics of magnetars, scientists think there are multiple ways that they can generate such huge amounts of energy.

The Swift mission spotted Swift J1818.0−1607 when it began outbursting. In this phase, its X-ray emission became at least 10 times brighter than normal. Outbursting events vary in their specifics, but they usually begin with a sudden increase in brightness over the course of days or weeks that is followed by a gradual decline over months or years as the magnetar returns to its normal brightness.

That's why astronomers have to act fast if they want to observe the period of peak activity from one of these events. The Swift mission alerted the global astronomy community to the event, and XMM-Newton (which has NASA participation) and NuSTAR performed quick follow-up studies.

In addition to X-rays, magnetars have been known to release great bursts of gamma rays, the highest energy form of light in the universe. They can also emit steady beams of radio waves, the lowest energy form of light in the universe. (Neutron stars that emit long-lived radio beams are called radio pulsars; Swift J1818.0−1607 is one of five known magnetars that are also radio pulsars.)

"What's amazing about [magnetars] is they're quite diverse as a population," said Victoria Kaspi, director of the McGill Space Institute at McGill University in Montreal and a former member of the NuSTAR team, who was not involved with the study. "Each time you find one it's telling you a different story. They're very strange and very rare, and I don't think we've seen the full range of possibilities."

The new study was led by Paolo Esposito with the School for Advanced Studies (IUSS) in Pavia, Italy.

About the Missions

NuSTAR recently celebrated eight years in space, having launched on June 13, 2012. A Small Explorer mission led by Caltech and managed by JPL for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington, NuSTAR was developed in partnership with the Danish Technical University and the Italian Space Agency (ASI). The spacecraft was built by Orbital Sciences Corp. in Dulles, Virginia. NuSTAR's mission operations center is at the University of California, Berkeley, and the official data archive is at NASA's High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center. ASI provides the mission's ground station and a mirror archive. Caltech manages JPL for NASA.

ESA's XMM-Newton observatory was launched in December 1999 from Kourou, French Guiana. NASA funded elements of the XMM-Newton instrument package and provides the NASA Guest Observer Facility at Goddard, which supports use of the observatory by U.S. astronomers.

NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center manages the Swift mission in collaboration with Penn State in University Park, the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico and Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems in Dulles, Virginia. Other partners include the University of Leicester and Mullard Space Science Laboratory of the University College London in the United Kingdom, Brera Observatory and ASI.

Source : NASA

Friday, December 20, 2019

New Hubble Gallery Features Celestial Objects From Caldwell Catalog Visible to Amateur Astronomers

Friday, December 20, 2019 0
Did you know that many of the galaxies, nebulas and star clusters observed by the Hubble Space Telescope can also be seen in backyard telescopes?

A new gallery of Hubble images highlights some of these celestial objects visible to amateur and professional astronomers alike. All of the objects are from a collection known as the Caldwell catalog, assembled by English amateur astronomer and science communicator Sir Patrick Caldwell-Moore and published in December 1995 by Sky & Telescope magazine. It complements the popular Messier catalog, which includes only objects visible from the Northern Hemisphere. The Caldwell catalog includes 109 interesting objects visible in amateur-sized telescopes in both the northern and southern skies that are not included in the Messier catalog.

Hubble’s Caldwell gallery currently contains 56 objects from the catalog and includes 12 newly processed images never before released by NASA. The images were extracted from more than 1.4 million observations that reside in Hubble’s data archive. Some of these images are the first or only ones captured by Hubble of these objects, while some are updated, higher-resolution views using the telescope’s newer cameras.
This image of spiral galaxy NGC 6946 (Caldwell 12) is one of a dozen previously unreleased images in the new Hubble gallery of Caldwell catalog objects.
Credits: NASA, ESA and L. Ho (Peking University); processing: Gladys Kober (NASA/Catholic University of America)

While Hubble has not imaged all 109 objects in the Caldwell catalog, it has observed 95 of them as of late 2019. The remaining Caldwell objects have yet to earn enough scientific interest to warrant Hubble’s time, which is in extremely high demand, but some might be targeted in the future. Many Caldwell objects also appear so large in the sky that they do not fit in Hubble’s field of view (which examines tiny portions of the sky at high resolution). So while some of Hubble’s photographs capture a given object in its entirety, most images focus on smaller, more specific areas of interest.

This new gallery will be updated as more of Hubble’s images are processed. For each Caldwell member already in Hubble’s collection, a basic star chart shows observers when and where they can find that object in the night sky. All of the Caldwell objects can be seen with amateur telescopes, but some can also be spotted in binoculars or even with the unaided eye. Anyone can go outside under a clear, dark sky, look up, and gaze at some of the same celestial gems with their own eyes that Hubble has so beautifully captured in its images.

Source : NASA

'Cotton Candy' Planet Mysteries Unravel in New Hubble Observations

Friday, December 20, 2019 0
"Super-Puffs" may sound like a new breakfast cereal. But it's actually the nickname for a unique and rare class of young exoplanets that have the density of cotton candy. Nothing like them exists in our solar system.
This illustration depicts the Sun-like star Kepler 51 and three giant planets that NASA's Kepler space telescope discovered in 2012–2014. These planets are all roughly the size of Jupiter but a tiny fraction of its mass. This means the planets have an extraordinarily low density, more like that of Styrofoam rather than rock or water, based on new Hubble Space Telescope observations. The planets may have formed much farther from their star and migrated inward. Now their puffed-up hydrogen/helium atmospheres are bleeding off into space. Eventually, much smaller planets might be left behind. The background starfield is correctly plotted as it would look if we gazed back toward our Sun from Kepler 51's distance of approximately 2,600 light-years, along our galaxy's Orion spiral arm. However, the Sun is too faint to be seen in this simulated naked-eye view.
Credits: NASA, ESA, and L. Hustak, J. Olmsted, D. Player and F. Summers (STScI)

New data from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have provided the first clues to the chemistry of two of these super-puffy planets, which are located in the Kepler 51 system. This exoplanet system, which actually boasts three super-puffs orbiting a young Sun-like star, was discovered by NASA's Kepler space telescope in 2012. However, it wasn't until 2014 when the low densities of these planets were determined, to the surprise of many.

The recent Hubble observations allowed a team of astronomers to refine the mass and size estimates for these worlds — independently confirming their "puffy" nature. Though no more than several times the mass of Earth, their hydrogen/helium atmospheres are so bloated they are nearly the size of Jupiter. In other words, these planets might look as big and bulky as Jupiter, but are roughly a hundred times lighter in terms of mass.

How and why their atmospheres balloon outwards remains unknown, but this feature makes super-puffs prime targets for atmospheric investigation. Using Hubble, the team went looking for evidence of components, notably water, in the atmospheres of the planets, called Kepler-51 b and 51 d. Hubble observed the planets when they passed in front of their star, aiming to observe the infrared color of their sunsets. Astronomers deduced the amount of light absorbed by the atmosphere in infrared light. This type of observation allows scientists to look for the telltale signs of the planets' chemical constituents, such as water.

To the amazement of the Hubble team, they found the spectra of both planets not to have any telltale chemical signatures. They attribute this result to clouds of particles high in their atmospheres. "This was completely unexpected," said Jessica Libby-Roberts of the University of Colorado, Boulder. "We had planned on observing large water absorption features, but they just weren't there. We were clouded out!" However, unlike Earth's water-clouds, the clouds on these planets may be composed of salt crystals or photochemical hazes, like those found on Saturn's largest moon, Titan.

This illustration depicts the three giant planets orbiting the Sun-like star Kepler 51 as compared to some of the planets in our solar system. These planets are all roughly the size of Jupiter but a very tiny fraction of its mass. NASA's Kepler space telescope detected the shadows of these planets in 2012–2014 as they passed in front of their star. There is no direct imaging. Therefore, the colors of the Kepler 51 planets in this illustration are imaginary.
Credits: NASA, ESA, and L. Hustak and J. Olmsted (STScI)

These clouds provide the team with insight into how Kepler-51 b and 51 d stack up against other low-mass, gas-rich planets outside of our solar system. When comparing the flat spectra of the super-puffs against the spectra of other planets, the team was able to support the hypothesis that cloud/haze formation is linked to the temperature of a planet — the cooler a planet is, the cloudier it becomes.

The team also explored the possibility that these planets weren't actually super-puffs at all. The gravitational pull among the planets creates slight changes to their orbital periods, and from these timing effects planetary masses can be derived. By combining the variations in the timing of when a planet passes in front of its star (an event called a transit) with those transits observed by the Kepler space telescope, the team better constrained the planetary masses and dynamics of the system. Their results agreed with previous measured ones for Kepler-51 b. However, they found that Kepler-51 d was slightly less massive (or the planet was even more puffy) than previously thought.

In the end, the team concluded that the low densities of these planets are in part a consequence of the young age of the system, a mere 500 million years old, compared to our 4.6-billion-year-old Sun. Models suggest these planets formed outside of the star's "snow line," the region of possible orbits where icy materials can survive. The planets then migrated inward, like a string of railroad cars.

Now, with the planets much closer to the star, their low-density atmospheres should evaporate into space over the next few billion years. Using planetary evolution models, the team was able to show that Kepler-51 b, the planet closest to the star, will one day (in a billion years) look like a smaller and hotter version of Neptune, a type of planet that is fairly common throughout the Milky Way. However, it appears that Kepler-51 d, which is farther from the star, will continue to be a low-density oddball planet, though it will both shrink and lose some small amount of atmosphere. "This system offers a unique laboratory for testing theories of early planet evolution," said Zach Berta-Thompson of the University of Colorado, Boulder.

The good news is that all is not lost for determining the atmospheric composition of these two planets. NASA's upcoming James Webb Space Telescope, with its sensitivity to longer infrared wavelengths of light, may be able to peer through the cloud layers. Future observations with this telescope could provide insight as to what these cotton candy planets are actually made of. Until then, these planets remain a sweet mystery.

Source : NASA