Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Hidden Secrets Behind Dark Nebula

Have you ever wondered about these type of dark patches in most of the nebulous regions? Many of you might have thought these are vacant places where stars did not formed and that place is left vacant for no reason. If you are thinking so then let me tell you that you are wrong.

Actually these dark patches are very thick and dense region of interstellar clouds of dusts and gases. They are so thick and dense that even light cannot escape through it. Not only this even visible light telescope cannot penetrate these dark clouds to see inside. To penetrate these dark clouds specialized telescope is needed to looks deep inside it. That specialized telescope is InfraRed telescope.

When looked deep inside these dark nebula's, it was found new stars are being borning there. 
For examples i have attached a photo below have a look into it.

As you can see on the left side of the photo it appears black patches when seen with a visible light telescope where as on the right side of the photo you can see red dots, which indicates new stars are being borning there when seen with a InfraRed telescope. 

It is said when stars are born i.e. protostar stage they emit InfraRed light but these dark clouds are so thick and dense that even InfraRed light cannot escape it. These dark clouds fully block the early stage of star forming light.

One more examples, see the next photo below :

This is the photo of a HorseHead Nebula. As you can see the photo on the right side when seen with a visible light telescope, it appears HorseHead like structure and small numbers of stars nearby where as on the left side of the photo when seen with a InfraRed telescope, you can see more number of stars are borning there.

Though these dark clouds looks as if that place is empty or vacant but behind this dark cloud or inside itself, new stars are forming.

I hope you like this article about hidden secrets behind dark nebula. If you have something to share or you have opinion do leave your comment below.

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